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RE: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: review of threats-01

2006-03-21 08:29:08
From: Jim Fenton [mailto:fenton(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com] 

I thought there were surveillance services as well.  From  :

Absolutely, the problem was that the original statement claimed that there
were only surveillance services for registered domains which is not true at
all. Anyone that does surveillance is going to be partnered with a party
that can do the UDRP/Legal/Registration part of the deal.

I'm not claiming to know Verisign's business that well, but 
that there was some basis for my statement.

VeriSign does both. We have a range of brand abuse monitoring services
including Domain name registration monitoring, Web crawlers, etc. etc. We
also have a range of registration services.

The point is that the statement 'naturally do not identify the use of
unregistered domain names' is false, that is a big part of the business. 

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