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[ietf-dkim] Straw poll on x=

2006-04-11 07:52:22


I've just been chatting with Barry and we don't see this discussion
heading towards a consensus so far, which makes our job harder.
So, to remedy that, (my life being more difficult:-), we'd like to
have a bit of a straw poll on this topic, just so, as chairs, we're
clear on who thinks what.

We're asking those with an opinion to respond to this mail (on the
list) saying whether you prefer to get rid of "x=", or prefer
keeping "x=". If you prefer something else, then you can start a
different thread. If you want to continue discussing this issue,
then do so using the current threads - we don't want to stop anyone
who has new thoughts on the matter.

If there is no clear consensus Barry and I think that the right
thing to do in this case is to stick with the status quo.

We'll collate the results in a week (since its a holiday weekend
for many folks) and let you know.

So, if you care, please respond to this message, including the list,
with one of:

   Get rid of "x="


   Keep "x="

...and no discussion.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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