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Re: [ietf-dkim] r= for instilling good domain-name practices

2006-04-28 23:41:22

Without conventions established for the use of this parameter, it will
offer only little value.  Without conventions, only the reliance
parameter being greater than zero would be of any significance. 
Conventions can recommend reliance levels for various types of sources
such as:

Administrators        9
Transactional email    8
Permanent Employees    7
Automated messages    6
Mailing lists        5
Domain Users        4
Bulk            3
Proxy Service        2
Transparent Service    1
Guests            0

With this type of list, a recipient wishing to annotate messages would
have a far better idea what level of reliance could be placed upon a
range of messages from an otherwise trusted and well-known domain. 
Not all messages are trustworthy, even from a well-known domain. 
Perhaps as a general practice, all domains would default to receiving
elevated annotation when exceeding a level of 5.

This seems to me to be a poor man's version of SSP, and I would think
that we would consider it in such a context.  But even if we were to
consider this now, wouldn't different selectors cover this ground?

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