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Re: [ietf-dkim] More on naked CR canonicalization

2006-07-20 07:59:53
(I'm just picking a random message from this thread to respond to; this isn't a specific response to this specific message.)

I see a clear consensus in this discussion, and I think the issue's actually already handled in the spec. In section 5.3, we say this:

   Should the message be submitted to the signer with any local encoding
   that will be modified before transmission, such conversion to
   canonical form MUST be done before signing.  In particular, some
   systems use local line separator conventions (such as the Unix
   newline character) internally rather than the SMTP-standard CRLF
   sequence.  All such local conventions MUST be converted to canonical
   format before signing.

I think it might be helpful to mention that some messages are formed with bare-CR, as well as with bare-LF, to clarify this particular situation, but beyond that we're OK.

In other words, rather than making this a canonicalization issue, I suggest that we make it an issue in the normalization step of the message. (For those who aren't sure, the distinction is that the normalization step is actually permanently changing the message by putting it into normalized form, which the canonicalization is only changing the bytes that get signed, but not changing the message itself. Therefore, the normalization is only ever done once, before doing the rest of the steps for signing, and the verifier never has to know about it.)

Unless we hear objections to this other than from Mike, we'll call this finished. So:
Mike: Can you live with this answer, even if it's not what you'd prefer?
Eric: Will you tweak that paragraph in 5.3 to mention that some messages that are considered compliant with RFC 82x fail complicance with RFC 282x in this regard and MUST be normalized?


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  (leiba(_at_)watson(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com)

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