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1:1 (was RE: [ietf-dkim] Re: ISSUE 1525 -- Restriction to posting by firstAuthorbreaks email semantics)

2008-01-16 10:31:43
I fail to see why we should create an RFC only working for PayPal &
Co. - especially while they are still too timid to use FAIL in their
SPF or PRA policies.  SSP "first author"
would be far more restrictive than anything SPF or PRA do.

It's very interesting that while PayPal may be "too timid to use FAIL in
their SPF or PRA policies," they /have/ -- with much public fanfare --
made deals with Yahoo! and other ISPs to reject any messages that can't
be verified with DomainKeys or DKIM.

There'll surely be more of these 1:1 agreements, while we wait for SSP
to become useful.  If we wait long enough, SSP won't even be necessary
for the big, high-value signers & verifiers.

J.D. Falk
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