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[ietf-dkim] No teleconference

2008-01-16 12:46:16
Owing to confusion about whether and when we're to have a teleconference, and to concerns about whether this week's announcement was sufficiently timely, given that confusion, Stephen and I think it best to cancel it, and, in fact, NOT TO HOLD ANY of the teleconferences that we'd planned. We'll all work on pushing the mailing-list discussion forward, and if there's consensus that we ought to have any teleconferences in future, we'll address it again later.

Everyone, let's work on moving the discussion forward. Let's especially work on getting some discussion out about the issues for which there's been little or no discussion. Please put the issue number in the thread's subject, and don't assume that silence is a vote either way. If you think things should stay as they are, say so. If you agree with the issue, say so. If you have an alternative, say so.

Be brief, and be clear.  But be.

Barry (and Stephen)

Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  (leiba(_at_)watson(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com)

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