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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Associated Signatures

2008-01-24 13:20:10

On Jan 24, 2008, at 4:36 AM, Charles Lindsey wrote:

On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 19:44:47 -0000, Douglas Otis <dotis(_at_)mail-> wrote:

On Jan 23, 2008, at 4:51 AM, Charles Lindsey wrote:

What benefit is derived by imposing an explicit i= parameter requirement on an originating header for "all" or "strict" compliance?

I don't know, but what has that got to do with my suggestion above?

You said "an associated signature". It was not clear whether you meant "associated" using the d= tag ignoring the i= tag, or using the i= tag (and its default)?

OK, an address in one of those headers matches the signature iff the various d=, i= and g= tags so determine according to RFC 4871, taking the local-part of the address into account if necessary.

I do not agree with a local-part exclusion.

DKIM-Signature: i=admin(_at_)example(_dot_)com ... (no g= parameter in key)
Sender: Tom Smith <admin(_at_)example(_dot_)com>
From: Will Jones <W(_dot_)Jones(_at_)eng(_dot_)example(_dot_)com>

This signature indicates the message is compliant with's signing policy. There should be no reason for a recipient to check's SSP record. If they did and it indicated an assertion of "all" or "strict", this message should be considered complaint.

Inspection of this signature also indicates which entity introduced the message. Matching this identity with the header might lead recipient's to conclude Tom Smith introduced the message as a Sender on behalf of Will Jones <W(_dot_)Jones(_at_)eng(_dot_)example(_dot_)com>, but this header MUST be included within the signature's hash before reaching that conclusion.

When highlighting whether a message is signed, and by whom, this highlighting should be limited to information included within the signature's hash. The signature's coverage with respect to From header compliance should also consider the g= and t= parameter when signing for other identities not within the From header.

It would seem your agree that a signature on-behalf-of the Sender within the same domain as the From should satisfy compliance with either "strict" or "all".

Yes, unless there is a g= tag that does not encompass both.


If, when you are done, you have ticked off all the available addresses, then there is nothing to be suspicious about. But, if any address has not been ticked, you are entitled to ask "why not?".

You wish to include SSP discovery for any header, rather than just for those within the From header lacking a signature within a domain at or above the email-address domain?

Yes, it should apply to any header which ought not to have escaped outside the signers boundary without being signed, according to his published SSP. Our SSP draft would specify exactly which those headers were (and maybe there would be more tags in the SSP records than we have proposed so far).

I do not agree. It seems reasonable to limit SSP compliance to only the From email-addresses. However, unrestricted signatures for other headers must also be considered proof of policy compliance. SSP definitions must reflect the concept that a signature _defines_ the signer's policy.

Checking SSP for all headers might cause an excessive level of SSP discovery. Excessive SSP discovery increases the overhead related to DKIM, and increases concerns related to DDoS effects.

NO IT DOESN'T, because we all agree that these cases of multiple different addresses in the headers mentioned are going to be exceedingly rare. In 99.99% of cases there will be just one From address, the Sender (if present) will be from the same domain, and there will be no Resent-* headers at all.

This might depend upon the level of email being handled. Expecting a process to discover SSP records for an unlimited number of domains is not safe for the receiver or potential targets of the transactions. The resulting overhead is more than able to result in a denial of service.

As to whether we need to consider all of From/Sender/Resent-From/ Resent-Sender, we can discuss that. But consider, supposing Ebay has a 'strict' SSP, how could
 Sender: somebody(_at_)ebay
legitimately come about and not get signed by Ebay?

This strategy could be done differently, while only focusing upon the From header email-addresses.

You haven't answered my question. If you see a message with no mention of Ebay in its From, but with Sender: somebody(_at_)ebay and with no signature from Ebay (who claim to sign everything leaving their boundary), then how can that message possibly NOT be bogus? That seems to be a sufficient reason for saying that 'all'/'strict' ought to include whatever is in the Sender.

When ebay signs a message containing Sender: somebody(_at_)ebay and happens to contain a From also within their domain, then this message (with the possible exception of g= t=s key parameters) must be considered complaint. The protection being sought is for the From header. If you feel it is important to also protect the Sender header, that is your prerogative. A view that the domain of the signature provides compliance works for any header. Including the Sender header will significantly increase the number of SSP discoveries needed to support protection of From and Sender headers since most messages are not signed.

Or, suppose someone outside sends email to someone(_at_)ebay(_dot_)com who then decides to resend it to someone outside. How could that NOT get signed by Ebay on the way out?

This strategy could introduce an inordinate level of SSP discovery.

HOW? Do you suppose that the number of outside messages Resent by Ebay will be more than a tiny fraction of the messages originating within Ebay itself?

The number of Sender headers found in messages has increased due to the use of the PRA algorithm. There will be a large number of messages containing different domains in the From and the Sender header. Protection of the Sender header separately from that of the From requires an increase of SSP discovery. Is that increase worth doing? What abuse would it prevent?

How many From email-addresses should be allowed?

As many as the verifier can be bothered to check. If he sees 1000 From addresses he may assume it is just a DOS attack and discard the whole message with no further checks.

When should a verifier decide to not discover SSP records? At two, three, four, twenty, fifty?

When the number gets big enough that the DNS overhead REALLY really starts to hurt. If I had to choose one of those numbers to write into our document as the minimum that SSP owners could reasonably expect to be accepted, then I would choose "fifty", as being way beyond any normal usage and still not likely to enable a serious DOS attack on the DNS system.

This view can result in a significant amount of targeted traffic. 10 would represent a network amplification that might be seen with many other types of attack.

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