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Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1550 - the name of the document (remains open *briefly*); there's still,disagreement on "Author"

2008-03-13 12:45:39

On Mar 13, 2008, at 8:03 AM, <Bill(_dot_)Oxley(_at_)cox(_dot_)com> 

On naming conventions
Since there is ssp tags in the wild, the asp changes seemed reasonable
for various definitions of reasonable why not keep the name ssp and
avoid poking sticks at dns admins who (rightly so) don't want to
implement anything new until 60+ % of the user base has already done  
In small shops that may not be much of an issue. In larger shops it  
be. Adopt the asp changes, leave the dns tag alone.
My 2 cents

If the meaning has changed then admins will probably need to
change any record contents anyway, or at least look at what they have
and decide whether it's still appropriate. That seems far more
onerous to any existing users of older drafts than the detail of
changing the record name.


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