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RE: Rambings on RFC2822 signatures.

2004-10-02 08:45:18

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 18:25:41 -0700, Michael Thomas wrote:
 day. Having both From and Sender authorized give you two
 reputations to develop that judgement. That seems like a nice
 feature, not a bug, and by allowing both we get to defer
 which is *really* most interesting to actual real live

You make a reasonable point.  Unfortunately there is a cost 
associated with that sort of generality.  Protocols that have 
this sort of flexibility tend to be more complex, more buggy and 
slower to get adopted.

If MASS is to produce something quickly that is adopted quickly, 
it needs to be absolutely as simple as we can make it.  This 
means limiting options and variable as much as possible.

Dave Crocker  <mailto:dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com>
Brandenburg InternetWorking  <>

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