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RE: Rambings on RFC2822 signatures.

2004-10-03 11:28:44

 You make a reasonable point.  Unfortunately there is a
 cost associated with that sort of generality.  Protocols
 that have this sort of flexibility tend to be more
 complex, more buggy and slower to get adopted.

 Then you tell me: who is the "originator" of a piece of mail
 through a remailer?

In fact I think that that is an entirely reasonable question.

I view the difficulty of answering that, based on current 
Internet standards, as supporting my comment about excessive 

The difficulty in answering that question is impeding current 
anti-spam work, in my view.

 If MASS is to produce something quickly that is adopted
 quickly, it needs to be absolutely as simple as we can
 make it.  This means limiting options and variable as much
 as possible.
 It adds no complexity to the sender(s); the infrastructure
 required is identical. The receiver may or may not deal with
 the additional complexity. 

Receiver complexity can be a major obstacle to adoption.

Further, the more critical dependencies there are in a protocol's 
adoption, the less likely it is to be adopted.  My sense is that 
the relationship is inverse and exponential.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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