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RE: Want a BoF at IETF 62?

2004-12-28 21:03:26


-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Otis [mailto:dotis(_at_)mail-abuse(_dot_)org] 
There is understandable reluctance launching a work group 
with such a nebulous charter after demonstrated reticence 
converging toward a unified  proposal.  I too wish to see 
progress made, but exclusionary tactics does not seem to be a 
productive solution.  With necessity being the mother of 
invention, perhaps comprising a clearer set of goals within a 
charter would be a good first step.

Yes .... exclusionary is impolite. sorry.  If there is not a 'unified'
A working group seems like a viable way to sort out the selection
of a single proposal.  I'd rather see this happen in a working group.

Your comments on the scope of the proposed charter are valid, and 
Could be addressed by specific editorial suggestions.  While 
success would be guaranteed by the working group starting with 
a single nearly complete proposal, this does not appear to be 
happening.  If there are to be multiple proposals, they 
should be subjected to a selection process with a clear time-line.


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