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Re: Good as the enemy of OK

2005-01-14 12:08:40

--On Friday, January 14, 2005 9:55 AM -0800 Douglas Otis <dotis(_at_)mail-abuse(_dot_)org> wrote:

While most domains would not need such a feature, for those domains that
have many accounts, this feature could prove useful.  Distributing keys
for every account would become rather costly.  DNS tends to use about 4
times the memory of the data stored to ensure fast responses.  Keeping
the DNS cache on a diet seems like a good idea, as it has a thyroid

But the key does not have to be per user. An originating site includes some kind of user identifier (in the simplest case this is probably an email address) that it understands and then the site applies the signature.

This makes DNS the ideal place to store the keys and it scales well, since the "site" is known by its domain.


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