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Feedback on the document structure

1999-02-03 11:41:22
Hi Tim.   I have some suggestions for changes to the text of the document 
that I think would make it clearer.     I have to admit to not having done
a cover to cover read for some time.    Sorry about that.

Anyway here are some suggestions.   I was trying hard to think about what 
someone being introduced to the language would see rather than read it 
with knowledge of the components in place.     I hope this is helpful Tim.


pg7 p3

   Implementations of the language are expected to take place at time of
   final delivery, when the message is moved to the user-accessible
   mailbox.  In systems where the MTA does final delivery, such as and
   traditional UNIX mail, it is reasonable to sort when the MTA deposits
   mail into the user's mailbox.

sec 2.1. Form of the Language

I found that I wanted to use the term "tokens" to describe the language
(from a true language parser's point of view :-).  You could substitute
"objects" "sequences" "doodads" -- whatever -- for tokens. Anyway,
something like:

   The language consists of a set of commands.   Each command consists
   of a set of UTF-8 string tokens delimited by whitespace.   The first
   token is the command string followed by 0 or more arguments.
   Arguments can be either literal data, tests, or blocks of commands.

   The language is represented in UTF-8, as specified in [UTF-8]

sec 2.2 - 2.9 Reordering

I would suggest the following reordering:

 2.2. Evaluation
 2.3. Commands
 2.3.1.  Positional Arguments
 2.3.2.  Optional Arguments
    Move discussion on tagged arguments here.

    I think you need to mention that some commands will accept other
    commands as arguments.   Specifically the control commands accept
    test commands and action commands as arguments.

    Incidentally, it is still not clear to me why we need the tagged
    argument support at all.  The stated contract for the optional
    argument should be enough.  Beyond saying that this is "optional"
    I'm not sure what information it conveys.  If optional arguments
    always follow positional arguments, then even syntactically it
    offers nothing useful.
 2.4. Whitespace
 2.6. Literals

Changes to "Literal data"

First paragraph is a bit awkward -- specifically with the definition of
execution.   I tend to think in terms of "evaluation" for interpretters.
Now that we have a "token" concept introduced, perhaps something more like

   Literal data tokens are evaluated "as is" by a SIEVE interpretter and
   consist of two types; numbers and strings.  Many commands accept
   literal data arguments.

I'm not in love with this myself so feel free to hack it up.   In
general when discussing syntactic elements I would always use the term
evaluation (because that is what the interpretter does) and use
execution when discussing the result of evaluation.   Subtle difference
but important.

sec 2.6.  Tagged Arguments

The discussion on tagged arguments needs to be moved up or introduced
sooner.  They imply a structure that needs to be more clearly stated as
a "meta" structure for arguments.   In particular there is reference to
"positional arguments" vs. "tagged arguments", but there is no
definition for positional arguments.    I recommend that fold this into
the general introduction to commands and arguments.

sec 2.9.  Evaluation

This section needs to be expanded to include:
 - evaluation ordering
 - control issues
 - command argument processing
 - evaluation results ie.  what happens when you evaluate a control 
command vs. a test command vs. an action.

Note that this provides a nice seguay into the next topic (in the reodered
list) on commands.

sec 3. Control Structures

Change the title "Control Structures" to "Control Commands"

sec 4. Actions

Change the title "Actions" to "Action Commands".

sec 5. Tests

Change the title "Tests" to "Test Commands"

Steve Hole                           
Execmail Inc.
Phone: 780-424-4922

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