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Re: Variables : list : scope : system : const

2003-05-10 13:18:07

[Marc Mutz]:

  On a gut level, I'd thought that
    [ "@{var} @{var}!" ] => [ "meep meep!" ].
  And if var contains "foo" and "bar":
   [ "@{var} @{var}!" ]
      => [ "foo foo!", "foo bar!", "bar foo!", "bar bar!" ]

hmm, cross product...  is that useful?  seems like an easy way to soak
up memory for script writers ;-)

  > I believe a cleaner syntax requires changes to the basic grammar of
  > Sieve.

  That would introduce a catch22:
  - You need the grammar to parse "require" commands
  - You need to parse the "require" commands to find out the
    currently valid grammar.

I think we all agree that such changes shouldn't be done.

Kjetil T.