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Re: Sieve Extension I-Ds(not) becoming RFCs and IANA assignments (e.g. refuse, and older ones, like vacation(!), regex, imapflags.

2004-05-12 17:30:44

On 5/10/2004 6:05 AM, Matthew Carpenter sent forth electrons to convey:

Is this a good place to post a sieve script

Not really. has some info, including a link to a page I set up. Also your posting etiquette is poor - what does this have to do with "Re: Sieve Extension I-Ds(not) becoming RFCs and IANA assignments (e.g. refuse, and older ones, like vacation(!), regex, imapflags." ... ? or could be useful, but a mailing list specifically for sieve end-users is lacking.
that is failing or would that be too implementation-specific? I'm trying to learn Sieve, coming from a Procmail background, and using websieve as a user interface. I have a few scripts which seem to simply not execute, and it seems to be related to what WebSieve calls "Continue processing rules". It is running on a Cyrus IMAP server


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