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Re: spamtestbis

2005-02-03 15:26:37

FYI the draft for the new version of the spamtest extension is now
available. The only change between this and the current RFC is the addition
of a :percent argument to the spamtest test to allow for a numeric range of
0 - 100. The value -1 is used to indicate a message that was not
categorised in anyway.

First, I don't think the -1 is a good idea because of how it interacts with
numeric comparators. I'd much rather retain 0 as the value indicating no test
was done.
The only other issue I see with the draft is the business of making require
"spamtest" and require "spamtestpercent" mutually exclusive. I certainly
agree that we want require "spamtestpercent" to subsume require "spamtest" -
- require lists in sieve can be really long - but I wonder if making
them mutually exclusive goes too far.

Additionally, one thing that isn't entirely clear with the current text is that
the following is legal:

  require "spamtest"; if spamtest :contains "foo" ...

That is, spamtest without a :percent is allowed when require "spamtestpercent"
is used. I think this should be clarified.


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