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Re: Results of the Working Group Last Call on draft-ietf-sieve-notify-05.txt

2007-01-27 12:05:23

Alexey Melnikov wrote:

Issue #3:

:subject versa :message. Aaron, Dilyan in favor of adding :subject. Michael wants to keep using :message.

I need to poll people on this, as I don't hear a clear consensus on this. Please pick one of the following:

1). keep the existing :message (it may or may not map to email Subject:, this is a separate issue at this point)
2). rename existing :message to :subject
3). I don't care whether we have :message or :subject, but we should have only one of them.
4). notify should have both :message and :subject

Let me know your opinion or if I've missed some choice.

Issue #4:

Dilyan suggested to add "expiration" parameter/option to the notify action. While I see some utility in this option, I am reluctant to extend the document so late in the game, unless there is strong support from the WG. I would recommend to add this option in a separate document. Opinions?

I've heard a couple of voices for this feature, but no rough consensus yet.

Hint for people who want this functionality: please provide some text for inclusion into the document. This will improve your chances of winning the argument ;-).

Issue #5:

Ken (in a private message) has suggested to extend "body" test instead of introducing a new "extract_text" test. Opinions?

In order to make some progress on this issue, here is how the updated body test can look like:

               <key-list: string-list>

where BODY-TRANSFORM is defined as (section 4 of draft-ietf-sieve-body-05.txt):

       / ":content" <content-types: string-list>
       / ":text"

I've added BODY-EXTRACT:

   :extract_none /
   :extract_whole /
   :extract_first number

:extract_none is the default, i.e. if the variables extension is present, then the match variables ${1}, ${2}, ... are not set as a side effect of successful matching; :extract_first will truncate the current body part after <number> bytes and will set the match variables. :extract_whole will set the match variable, without performing any truncation.

Issue #6:

Arnt wants to be able to do "send notification over XMPP, if can be delivered immediately. Otherwise send it over SMS".
This issue needs further discussion.

Aaron replied that he likes the idea. Anybody else?

Arnt has suggested that the notify action should take multiple :method parameters. As tagged parameters can't be specified multiple times in the same test (3028bis, section 2.6), this will mean changing the :method parameter to be a string list.

Other alternative are:
1). Add a test to check if a notification method (specified as an URI) can deliver the notification immediately. IMHO, I like this a bit better than Arnt's proposal, as it is easier to implement and the resulting script is going to be easier to read. 2). Keep the existing syntax. A new "stackable" notification method can be specified that will perform the desired functionality.

+ A new issues (# 8): the Sieve notify document needs to describe what should happen if a parameter specified in two ways in the same notify call: as a notify action parameter and as an URI parameter to the method parameter, for example:

notify :method "xmpp:tim(_at_)example(_dot_)com?message;subject=SIEVE" :message "You got mail";

(assume for a moment that the content of the :message gets translated into the subject of the resulting notification)

Options suggested so far:
1). URI parameters are always ignored
2). URI parameters (if any) override the corresponding notify parameters
3). the notify parameters override the corresponding URI parameters
4). specify both the notify and the URI parameters is an error.
