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Re: some thoughts

2007-02-05 11:30:31

Dilyan Palauzov writes:
  Hi folks,

I was thinking on implementing a sieve-milter, an addon for sendmail, that filters mails for users, which do not necessary have mailbox on that server. In such cases the filter is applied to the whole envelope with its contents (except where the message is modified, in which case a new message shall be generated). And on some points I continue to think how to implement them.
 - test size
How shall the implementation determine the size of the message: if the smtp server supports rfc 1870 (esmtp, size), can the sieve implementation use that value (MAIL FROM: nana(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org size=10000 , or shall count by itself the bytes contained?

I was pondering this (about postfix, not sendmail, in order to do protocol-level reject) and thought I'd use SIZE=x until the counted size is available, and after that use the counted size.

 - envelopes
If a mail goes to several recepients, but in one envelope, test address and test envelope can figure it out, but then the rfc3028 permits that one user removes the other from the envelope. E.g. if a mail goes
To: a(_at_)d(_dot_)e, b(_at_)d(_dot_)e

the a(_at_)d(_dot_)e(_dot_) might have the follwoing script

if envelope :all is "to" b(_at_)d(_dot_)e discard;

then the mail might not be delivered to b(_at_)d(_dot_)e . Is there any sentence, I have overseen, prohibiting that the different users' scripts may not interfere?

I eventually decided that a(_at_)d(_dot_)e should not be able to tell whether the envelope contains b(_at_)d(_dot_)e(_dot_) If b(_at_)d(_dot_)e is a bcc, revealing it in sieve would be a privacy leak.


(I can read all of that. I feel proud.)


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