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Re: AD review of draft-ietf-sieve-3028bis-12

2007-03-30 14:28:26

 Chris Newman wrote:

Alexey Melnikov wrote on 3/29/07 18:15 +0100:

After discussing this with Cyrus: chairs would like to publish -12 +
RFC-editor's notes.

That's fine. Send me RFC-editor notes I can paste into the ballot and I'll push the draft forward.

Ok, here is the list of changes I would like to propose (Can please someone else sanity check this!).
I will keep the rest of your comments till 3028ter.
Section 1, 3rd paragraph:

  Scripts written in Sieve are executed during final delivery, when the
  message is moved to the user-accessible mailbox.  In systems where
  the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) does final delivery, such as
  traditional Unix mail, it is reasonable to sort when the MTA deposits
  mail into the user's mailbox.
  Scripts written in Sieve are executed during final delivery, when the
  message is moved to the user-accessible mailbox.  In systems where
  the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) does final delivery, such as
  traditional Unix mail, it is reasonable to filter when the MTA deposits
  mail into the user's mailbox.

In section 2.5:

  Tests are given as arguments to commands in order to control their
  actions.  In this document, tests are given to if/elsif/else to
  decide which block of code is run.

  Tests are given as arguments to commands in order to control their
  actions.  In this document, tests are given to if/elsif to
  decide which block of code is run.

(i.e. delete "/else")

In section 2.6.2, last paragraph:

  To simplify this specification, tagged arguments SHOULD NOT take
  tagged arguments as arguments.

  Tagged arguments SHOULD NOT take tagged arguments as arguments.

(i.e. delete the beginning of the sentence till the comma).

In section 2.6.3, last paragraph:

  One particularly noteworthy case is the ":comparator" argument, which
  allows the user to specify which comparator [COLLATION] will be used
  to compare two strings, since different languages may impose
  different orderings on UTF-8 [UTF-8] characters.
  One particularly noteworthy case is the ":comparator" argument, which
  allows the user to specify which comparator [COLLATION] will be used
  to compare two strings, since different languages may impose
  different orderings on UTF-8 [UTF-8] strings.

In section 2.7.1, 1st paragraph, replace the 2nd sentence:

Match type arguments are supplied to those commands which allow them to specify
  what kind of match is to be performed.
Match type arguments control what kind of match is to be performed by commands.

In section 2.7.1, 5th paragraph:

  In contrast, the comparator "i;basic;uca=3.1.1;uv=3.2"
  defines a character to be any UTF-8 octet sequence encoding one
  Unicode character and thus "?" may match more than one octet.

  In contrast, a Unicode-based comparator would define
  a character to be any UTF-8 octet sequence encoding one
  Unicode character and thus "?" may match more than one octet.

In section 2.10.4, 1st paragraph:

  Site policy MAY limit numbers of actions taken and MAY impose
  Site policy MAY limit the number of actions taken and MAY impose

In section 2.10.5, replace the 3rd paragraph:

  Implementations MUST NOT execute at all any script which requires an
  unknown capability name.

  Implementations MUST NOT execute any Sieve script test or command
  subsequent to "require" if one of the required extensions is unavailable.

In section 2.10.5, remove the 5th paragraph (part of the Note):
        Experience with PostScript suggests that mechanisms that allow
        a script to work around missing extensions are not used in

In section 4.2, 3rd paragraph:

  The message is send back out with the address from the redirect
  The message is sent back out with the address from the redirect

Section 5.9, last paragraph:

  Note that for a message that is exactly 4,000 octets, the message is
  neither ":over" 4000 octets or ":under" 4000 octets.

  Note that for a message that is exactly 4,000 octets, the message is
  neither ":over" 4000 octets nor ":under" 4000 octets.

In section 6.3:

  As the range of mail systems that this document is intended to apply
  to is quite varied, a method of advertising which capabilities an
  implementation supports is difficult due to the wide range of
  possible implementations.

  A method of advertising which capabilities an
  implementation supports is difficult due to the wide range of
  possible implementations.

(i.e. delete everything before the comma).

In section 8.1:

  multi-line         = "text:" *(SP / HTAB) (hash-comment / CRLF)
                       *(multiline-literal / multiline-dotstuff)
                       "." CRLF
  multi-line         = "text:" *(SP / HTAB) (hash-comment / CRLF)
                       *(multiline-literal / multiline-dotstart)
                       "." CRLF

And also:

  multiline-dotstuff = "." 1*octet-not-crlf CRLF
                         ; A line containing only "." ends the
                         ; multi-line.  Remove a leading '.' if
                         ; followed by another '.'.
  multiline-dotstart = "." 1*octet-not-crlf CRLF
                         ; A line containing only "." ends the
                         ; multi-line.  Remove a leading '.' if
                         ; followed by another '.'.

In section 13:

Please update the [COLLATION] reference to point to RFC 4790.

In section 15:

Add to the end:

10. Added encoded-character capability and deprecated (but did not remove)
  use of arbitrary binary octets in Sieve scripts.
11. Updated IANA registration template, and permit capability prefix
registrations. Prefix registrations outside "vnd." require IESG approval.
12. Added .sieve as a valid extension for sieve scripts.