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Re: Implementing encoded-character

2007-04-04 05:35:54

yes.  whitespace is only allowed between hex-pairs.  btw, how do you
feel about allowing CRLF as well as SPC and TAB between hex-pairs?

Is CRLF allowed inside other ${} expressions (variables)?

variables doesn't allow any whitespace at all.

Hmm, right, variables contain no arguments and we don't have functions
yet.  Thinking about string expressions, I certainly would like to
have CRLF as white space, but I also would like embedded comments in
that case.  Just looking at encoded-character, I see no need for CRLF
and even have an odd feeling with, but considering it as syntactic
prototype for string expressions, both CRLF and comments sound useful.

Before looking at it, I expected that if ${hex: is found, it would be
an error if it were not followed by arguments and a closing brace.

well, you don't need to backtrack much:

It's no problem really, just confusing.  If someone starts to write
${hex:, most likely he meant to encode data.  Only CS people think stuff
like "it's not a word of the grammar, thus of course being an literal
as specified". ;-)

"${unicode:200000}" -> error
"${unicode:2000000}" -> "${unicode:2000000}"

I don't particularly like that, because most likely the second was
never meant that way.  Is there any way to change that at this point?

you want to change unicode-hex to 1*HEXDIG instead?  the wording should
already handle it, so it's just the ABNF which needs a tweak.  that's
fine with me.  I think it's Philip's call.

Yes, that would be more logical.  I consider ${hex: and ${unicode: as
functions of constant arguments.  No matter which argument is passed
to them: Syntax errors (like a missing brace) should cause an error,
and semantic errors like range overflows should cause an error, too.
It's bizarre to see 0x200000 being an overflow, but 0x2000000 causing
everything to be taken literally.
