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Re: I-D Action:draft-ietf-sieve-notify-mailto-08.txt

2008-07-22 05:35:49

On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 13:50 +0200, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:
Kjetil Torgrim Homme writes:
Here's an alternative compromise: An implementation can not send a 
notification in response to a message with "Auto-submitted: !no" 
unless the number of Received headers in the notification messages is 
higher than in the original message.

You mean by generating dummy fields?

Received: by <host> (dummy inserted by sieve); <date>
Received: by <host> (dummy inserted by sieve); <date>
Received: by <host> (dummy inserted by sieve); <date>

I think I'd prefer if this trick wasn't mentioned explicitly, but yes, I
think that would be a valid implementation.  The draft says

        The "Received:" fields from the triggering message MAY be
        retained in the notification message [...]

and I personally would prefer it if implementations chose that route.

I'm not in favour, but I can live with that too if that's what it takes 
to get WG consensus, IESG blessing and an RFC.

Kjetil T.