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Re: WGLC on draft-freed-sieve-notary-01.txt

2008-10-19 07:16:52

Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:

2. IMHO dsn-redirect should apply to the vacation and notify/mailto commands as well as to redirect.

RFC 5230 (vacation), section 5.1 says:

  The SMTP MAIL FROM address of the message envelope SHOULD be set to
  <>.  NOTIFY=NEVER SHOULD also be set in the RCPT TO line during the
  SMTP transaction if the NOTARY SMTP extension [RFC3461] is available.

So what you say would only apply if at least one of the SHOULDs is violated. So 
I wouldn't bother.

3. An ORCPT example in the paragraph about ORCPT, something like "rfc822;midas(_at_)example(_dot_)com".


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