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Re: Input on identities

2004-04-07 10:33:10

I also support Pete's position.

        Tony Hansen

Pete Resnick wrote:

Absolutely true. However, the idea of publishing information in the DNS (this group's chartered mission) is to allow site to say through the DNS which machines are and are not expected to be sending MTAs. Though it is possible for some folks to publish this information in the reverse space and provide this information based solely on IP address, it is much easier for many sites to publish this information in the forward space for machines based on their domain names. Many sites don't own records in the reverse space for their IP addresses, but do own the forward domain records. I'd much rather see a situation in which everyone has the ability to publish information about which machines are expected to be MTAs or their domain instead of (the likely outcome) only some sites being able to publish information in the reverse DNS and the rest being able to say nothing at all.

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