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Re: Message Level Authentication

2004-04-19 19:15:01


Given a choice, an unencumbered solution is considered before a
proprietary one.  The messagelevel solution adds an out-of-band protocol
between MTAs to confirm each mail message.  Using the existing
infrastructure as with SPF has an advantage of requiring fewer new
elements and exchanges.  Confirming a valid sending IP of the domain and
not signatures for each message has an advantage of scale that can also
be mitigated within an existing cache.  Requiring a provider to query
for every spoofed and real message will create a problem and not a
solution as you propose.  Many MTA systems are approaching network
limits and this proposal adds to this network traffic substantially. 


On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 18:46, Bill Mcinnis wrote:
Hello all, 

After watching the back and forth on this list for the last 
several months I just wanted to join in and get some feedback 
as to why no one is discussing how to answer the one fundamental question, 
"Did you send me this email" and why no one has come 
up with the answer "Just ask me and I'll tell you" (at the 
machine level)? 

Please take a look at and give us 
some feedback. 

These ideas are based upon patent filings and prototype 
systems several years in the making.  Message Level also
 distributed a whitepaper (which is fully documented both
 publicly and privately) to several of the "major players"
 before the stories abruptly changed from "we are working 
on message filtering" to many of the current ideas you see
 circling now, which seem to be very quickly migrating to 
the Message Level Patent Pending process. 

Sure there is a chicken and the egg problem here (but no more 
than anything else being discussed), as well as bandwidth 
concerns (no more than a normal "Mail From" test) and database
 concerns (which are a much better alternative than having to 
rewrite dns or the smtp protocol), but the idea is the most 
reliable and secure method of stopping all of this craziness. 
If there is one thing we have learned over the years is that 
technology just gets better, quicker, and more stable as time 
goes on. 

We do feel as though we are getting resistance from the "larger
 players"  because this system does have several Patent filings 
in place and they would like to make the idea their own. However,
 we want to be perfectly clear that we are willing to work with 
anyone interested in solving one of the largest problems on the Internet 

We are finalizing our prototype systems to the API's of major 
email systems and should have those rolled out by the end of 
this Summer.  We are also going to be making publicly available 
via our website and partners a client-side application that 
addresses the Message Level process without the need for a email
 server implementation.  Thereby enabling users to choose their 
own anti-spam system to validate and secure their email. 

We would love any comments and participation by anyone seeking 
to address this problem. 

Thank you 

Bill McInnis 

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