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RE: Towards resolution on Wildcards

2004-06-09 20:31:29

1) During the MARID interim meeting, Ted Hardie suggested a dual record 
type approach whereby TXT would be used in servers incapable of 
supporting a new record type, but more capable servers would use a new 
record type (specifically defined for MARID).  Do you feel this is a 
workable solution?

No. TXT-only is the best solution for several years to come. New RR types are 
unfortunately too immature. Even when DNS servers support it, the libraries on 
some platforms cannot query them.

2) Do you feel a MARID solution needs the capability of DNS wildcards?

It would be very helpful.

4) If you answered "no" to either (1) or (2), then do you feel it is 
acceptable for TXT reuse to specify a prefix and that environments 
needing DNS wildcard behavior may do so at the risk of collision or 
other side-effects?

No prefix is needed if the syntax is sufficiently concise (like SPF).

Less concise syntax (like XML) will require a prefix.

TXT records are unused by the vast majority of domains. Most of the TXT records 
that do exist can be removed without functionality loss (because they are 
either: comments to humans, often unnecessary; or lame attempts to comment out 
parts of their configuration). And of those fraction of a fraction that would 
not or could not be removed, none of them seem to conflict with use by MARID.

Michael R. Brumm