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Re: Why not XML

2004-06-23 07:27:57

"Eric A. Hall" <ehall(_at_)ehsco(_dot_)com> wrote:
Trying to tunnel HTTP/XML data-models over DNS doesn't make anymore sense
than trying to flop it into ARP or ICMP or any other query/response
datagram protocol.

  Similarly, trying to put URLs into DNS, and MARID data on web pages
wouldn't make sense, as email would be dependent on yet another set of

  What about putting the MARID data in-line in SMTP via an extension?
It can be signed, and the keys can go into DNS ala DK, which should
validate it.  It does mean that the barrier for adoption is higher, as
more software has to change, but it does avoid the above problems.

  Of course, it means that caching of the data becomes more
problematic.  DNS takes care of that automatically, and that won't be
possible if the data is inline.  But at ~100 bytes per typical MARID
record, itwouldn't be much of a problem to just re-send it.

  Alan DeKok.

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