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Sender identification is not the answer

2004-06-24 15:28:02

"David" == David Wall <d(_dot_)wall(_at_)computer(_dot_)org> writes:

    David> The problem I have with sender-authentication schemes is
    David> they are coverting an open, useful, free and unfettered
    David> email solution into something only Big Brother and Big
    David> Corporations would ever want.

The problem is that if we outlaw forging mail, then we won't be able
to forge mail anymore (this was put somewhat more succinctly by
someone else, but I can't remember the quote).

    David> Already, my home ISP blocks sending out emails using my
    David> business email address -- because I could be a spammer!

With any MARID/LMAP scheme, your business has a choice.  It can
restrict mail to being sent from its servers, or it can allow mail to
be sent from any server.

No-one is forcing your business to publish a policy that says its mail
only comes from its servers; MARID/LMAP gives your business the
_choice_ of publishing such a policy.  If it chooses to do so, then
recipients of mail claiming to be from your business can evaluate that
mail against the policy.
