First, I do not think this message says anything that has not already
been stated on this list already. In fact, there have been messages on
this list with a far better description of the legal nature of this
issue than this one.
While on the subject of things stated previously on this list:
On Jul 24, 2004, at 3:43 PM, Richard Stallman wrote:
I've been expecting to see something like this ever since Gates
started talking about spam. This license is an example of Microsoft's
strategy for killing off free software as an alternative to Windows.
Microsoft first patents something, then incorporates it into a format
or protocol, then tries to make it de rigueur while excluding those it
wishes to exclude. In the absence of resistance, Microsoft has a good
chance of imposing whatever standards it likes. Let us, therefore,
resist it here and now.
We have asked repeatedly that this type of behavior be stopped.
You are no exception to the rule. Do not do it again.