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Re: Another question on draft-ietf-marid-submitter-02

2004-08-04 10:36:34

On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 01:27:47PM -0400, Meng Weng Wong wrote:
On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 10:05:31AM -0700, Hadmut Danisch wrote:
| e.g. the message is sent with
| MAIL FROM: <aaa(_at_)aaa(_dot_)aaa> SUBMITTER=bbb(_at_)bbb(_dot_)bbb
| then bounce messages etc. are sent to aaa(_at_)aaa(_dot_)aaa, isn't it?
| Is that what it is supposed to be?

yes, that is correct.

So I will still receive thousands of bounce messages because spammers
are abusing my address for sending messages?

Until now they used

MAIL FROM: <hadmut(_at_)danisch(_dot_)de>

from now on they will use

MAIL FROM: <hadmut(_at_)danisch(_dot_)de> 

and I'll still receive all that bounce rubbish?

Wasn't this all supposed to solve this problem?
