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Re: Interaction with anti-spam systems (was Re: A spammer subscribed to this list ? )

2004-08-06 08:02:32

Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer(_at_)nic(_dot_)fr> wrote:
Such analysis are always dangerous ("We all know that spams are in
text/html only")

  That's not a good analogy.  We *know* SPF_PASS says nothing about
whether a message is spam or not.  We *know* SPF_FAIl says that the
domain publishing SPF has not authorized the message.

there's a non-zero chance that a neural net may decide there's a
correlation between spam & MARID records, which means MARID won't be
as useful for everyone else.

If the neural net decides so, fine with me.

  Assigning negative spamassassin scores to SPF_PASS means that
spammers can benefit from using SPF.  Assigning positive spamassassin
scores to SPF_PASS means that non-spam will get punished for using

  We want neither to happen, therefore anti-spam systems should assign
no benefit, and no penalty, for publishing MARID-style records.  If
you want to allow neural-net systems to assign scores, then you're OK
with either, or both, of the two scenarios from the preceding

  Alan DeKok.