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Re: Interaction with anti-spam systems (was Re: A spammer subscribed to this list ? )

2004-08-06 05:58:06

On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 12:11:37PM -0400,
 Alan DeKok <aland(_at_)ox(_dot_)org> wrote 
 a message of 36 lines which said:

  I am saying that we know a-priori, that giving positive marks to
messages which pass SPF checks is not a good idea.

Such analysis are always dangerous ("We all know that spams are in
text/html only") and this is exactly why SpamAssassin switched to an
automatically-generated list of scores. It leaves less room to
personal opinions.
And if, as we've seen, spammers publish lots of MARID records, then
there's a non-zero chance that a neural net may decide there's a
correlation between spam & MARID records, which means MARID won't be
as useful for everyone else.

If the neural net decides so, fine with me. It's exactly for a similar
reason that SpamAssassin decided that "This mail is not spam" was a
good marker for spams...