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Re: Reputation services for SenderID

2004-08-28 04:44:26

"Anne P. Mitchell, Esq." <amitchell(_at_)isipp(_dot_)com> wrote:

with the number of IP addresses authorized by the SPF2 record, and
even for domains which only authorize a very few IP addresses, we'll
have no practical way (except manual processing of requests) to
correct outdated blacklist listings.

A lookup to IADB, which is an accreditation database rather than a
blacklist or a whitelist, can (and will for listed IP addresses) give
you enough information to determine whether the blacklist listing
should be decreased in weight or even overridden.  That information
includes, among other things, the opt-in level of the mailing list mail
which comes from that IP address, and whether that IP address is listed
in Bonded Sender or Habeas.  If an IADB-listed IP address returns a
code indicating that all mailing list mail coming from that IP address
is, for example, confirmed-opt-in, that's useful information in the
face of the IP address also appearing on a blacklist.

SPF publishers who are also listed in IADB include the
"accredit=%{ir}" in their SPF records; I assume it would
be the similar for SPF2.  The information returned from an IADB query
includes whether an SPF record is published for that IP, so there is a
closed loop there - if you check SPF first, you'll know that the IP is
listed in IADB and you can get more info there - if you check IADB
first, you'll know that there is an SPF record for that IP address.

Some receivers prefer to do their lookups to IADB2 rather than IADB -
IADB2 provides an aggregated weighted score rather than, but based on,
the individual bits of information.

This is a listing service that, for a setup up fee and so much per month,
will accept lists of IP addresses.  These types of IP based white-listing
services existed well before SPF.  The publisher must have dominion over
the IP addresses effectively.  Pay for mailing rights work for bulk
mailers.  The selection of listing services is also provided by a simple
scheme within CSV, but where a domain name is used.  The history
associated with a name does not require a payment stream to a
white-listing service.


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