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Re: Work plan for Sender ID

2004-09-13 18:09:10

On Sep 13, 2004, at 7:23 PM, Daniel Quinlan wrote:

I'm really confused as to why you think that's true.

The long answer:
Because the Microsoft IPR claim calls out -pra and -core in combination. And we know the algorithm has changed. And that is why I wrote "This would seem to at least exclude any scopes that use 2822 headers to identify the party most recently responsible for injecting the message." And I suspect it is actually broader than that. Therefore, using the fetchmail algorithm to do such a thing for anti-forgery using DNS records, which is not why the fetchmail algorithm is in fetchmail, seems to infringe upon the patent application. No matter what, the IETF cannot decide what is and what is not prior art -- courts do that.

The short answer:
Because if I had written the patent application, that's probably what I would have done.


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