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RE: RFC 3929 on Alternative Decision Making Processes for Consensus-Blocked Decisions in the IETF (fwd)

2004-10-23 05:21:08

This document was first published in May 2003, long before MARID existed.
IETF last call started in June 2004.  It was approved by the IESG in July
2004.  In other words, the MARID finale had _nothing_ to do with it.

Ah, good to know. I was afraid what happened at MARID was a very special 
case of how IETF system failed. I guess it is not the first time and IETF 
has seen it before...

Still I don't particilarly like to see solution pushed through when
there is no consensus on it and especially when there are strong
corporate interests involved involved in the specific proposal.

I think IETF should allow for determening rouch consensus not only
for any specific proposal but also process to find if there is rough 
consensus "against" the proposal. In the case where it happens (i.e.
when there is not a 50/50 split) the proposal should not be pushed
through with this new "alternative decision making process".

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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