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Re: PGP Message Exchange Formats Internet Draft

1997-08-08 03:55:49
Assar wrote:

Jonathan Wienke <JonWienk(_at_)ix(_dot_)netcom(_dot_)com> writes:
Instead of having a 1-byte cipher identifier, I would like to see a 4 byte
text identifier for ciphers and hashes, so IDEA could be designated by
"IDEA", triple-DES by "3DES", SHA-1 by "SHA1", etc. This would make it much
easier for PGP to support numerous algorithms, and multiple encryption.

Do you really see a new for more than 256 algoritms?

No, but...  256 is a rather low value for infinity, no matter what you
are using it for.  2^32 is a low value for the max number of IP addresses,
but it looked more than enough a number of years ago.

We might not see a need for more than 256 types right now, but it's still
stupid to restrict things.  And having a 4-byte menmonic name is cute.



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