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Re: algorithm ID encodings & terminology (was Re: PGP Message Exchange Formats Internet Draft)

1997-08-10 17:04:07
On Fri, 8 Aug 1997, Adam Back wrote:

Why are PGP so keen to hand huffman encode everything?

Presumably to increase security; longer identifiers give an attacker more
known -- or easily guessed -- plaintext. While I consider a brute-force
attack on PGP infeasible for a long time I'm not sure that we should be
giving away more known plaintext than we need to. 

(Excuse my ignorance if we're not talking about the same identifiers; I
haven't read the PGP format documentation for some time). 


|Mark Grant M.A., U.L.C.                       EMAIL: 
mark(_at_)unicorn(_dot_)com  |
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bot(_at_)unicorn(_dot_)com      |

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