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Re: The purpose of this mailing list

1997-09-11 20:33:41
One of my other "stupid PGP tricks" is to convert X.509 to and from PGP
(easier now that X509 has DSS, and maybe DH).  I can't really convert
signatures, but I can move the moduli and other information around.
I've been working on this too.  X.509 -> PGP is doable, but going the other 
way is pretty challenging since the only thing in a PGP cert is what might be 
a commonName, and usually an email address, but not a full DN.  What thoughts 
do people have on handling the naming issues?
BTW there's an X.509 profile for ElGamal as well as of a week or two ago, 
check your local internet drafts repository for draft-gutmann-<something with 
'elgamal' in it>.