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Re: key server lookup protocol?

1997-10-28 06:01:08
An additional question to that (older) thread:

   > PGP 5.0 sends the following request:
   > "GET /pks/lookup?op=get&exact=on&search=<Email Address|Key ID> HTTP/1.0"
Now, with 5.5, we have an ldap server, which will make things a lot easier.
We support the old HTTP one, but the ldap one is the way to go.

Jon Callas                                         jon(_at_)pgp(_dot_)com

O.K. now you have LDAP and HTTP as protocols.
But if you use LDAP you need attributes containing keys|key-URLs|key-IDs|

Do you use the attribute types as suggested by Roland Hedberg 
<Roland(_dot_)Hedberg(_at_)umdac(_dot_)umu(_dot_)se> in his (outdated) 
draft-ietf-asid-pgp-02.txt ?

Frank Brueckner, SNI Directory Team,

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