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Re: expedience, consensus and editing

1997-11-26 16:22:03

Dave Crocker <dcrocker(_at_)imc(_dot_)org> writes:
At 09:08 PM 11/26/97 +0000, Adam Back wrote:
My suggestions are:

1) armor MAY
2) MIME SHOULD (with update to rfc2015 where missing parts)

Ok.  So you implement armor and I implement MIME.  How do we interoperate?

I understand fully your point, and I agree.  The difference is just

The labelling problem I see is that people are planning to use OpenPGP
for different purposes.

What I meant above was:

2) MIME MUST if the data is transferred over 7 bit comms channel.

I'm not fussy, if people implement a full OpenPGP packet set but don't
plug it in to a MIME handler, it is true that they can't communicate
directly with people who send them MIMEd packets.  If we say (as I
take your previous posts to argue):

2) MIME MUST (always, no exceptions)

this means the 8 bit only people are not allowed to call their
implementation OpenPGP complaint.  Well I can live with a "that's their
problem", answer, and doesn't seem that big an issue.

Any other opinions?


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