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Re: Discrete log signature key sizes

1997-12-08 11:28:01
On Thu, 4 Dec 1997, Hal Finney wrote:

Anybody have a good way to synthesize a 320 bit hash out of a 160 bit one?
I found a paper which suggested doing a "butterfly" using 8 instances of
the smaller hash which looked pretty good (Eurocrypt 96, Aiello).


What about concatenating SHA1 and RIPEMD160 hashes?  Or are they too
related so that it would be significantly less than the square of the cost
of finding either?  What about the second hash being over the message and
the first hash?

Also, if a 320 bit hash was available, how would you modify DSS to allow
for that, simply change Q to a 320 bit number?

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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