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announce: opgp97.tgz - I've gone monolithic

1998-04-15 15:44:53
I now have replaced several things with a single pgp5 program.  Apologies
to PGP inc. since I couldn't think of something else to call it for this
release and it is still intended to be a demo of the underlying library. 
If you have fork and pipe, it works in one pass, e.g.

./pgp5 -i FILE -o FILE.pgp -l FILE -1 -t 0 -z -e kid -m MESSAGE

Signs, compresses, and encrypts to kid (keyid), and ascii armors.

./pgp5 -i FILE.pgp -o FILE.out

Will recover the file and indicate the results of the signature check.
This doesn't work everywhere (i.e. when the final step is not a literal or
a text file), but I have an Increment flag for those cases.

There are still some structures (e.g. multiple recipients) I don't do, and
it is one file at a time, but I have full control of all the algorithms
used internally and should be able to correctly generate or process
anything which is in the OpenPGP specification and exists in SSLeay 0.9.0
(plus SAFER/SK128 and HAVAL).  And the source is still under 3500 lines.

clear-signing and testing clearsigned messages are done in two other
auxillary programs.  There is a new-to-old CTB program for 2.6.2 support
and some keyring routines.

A few internal improvements have been made since 95b7 - ROTN is out,
armoring is many times faster.  Lots of things from earlier versions are
much improved.  If you haven't upgraded in a while, check this version
out.  It requires SSLeay 0.9.0.  Safer and Haval URLs are included and can
be compiled in by simply installing the .c and .h files.

Thanks to all who are bearing with me with a work in progress.

It should appear on by tomorrow in either the new or
libraries directory.

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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