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Minor updates to opgp & palmopgp

1998-06-04 19:22:40
sent to  opgp99o.tgz corrects some small nits.

palmopgp03.tgz now implements all SSLeay supported algorithms, and does
compression (very usable, but less than even 13 bit zip) and
decompression, so it should be able to decrypt any OpenPGP message (I also
got the extra algorithms compiling in another lib after I uploaded, but
haven't tried them).  The test program won't go past two messages,
probably because I have memory leaks that I need to fix, but I added an
automatic continue-till-literal, and it will do the entire test suite (Any
message in the Memo Pad beginning with TEST will be literal/signed,
compressed, encrypted, armored, and then dearmored, decrypted,
decompressed, extracted/verified. 

I still don't have any form of key management (I am using keyids), nor key
generation.  The general idea will be to copy the valid keys from your
desktop [note, you will need to armor your secring.skr file and install it
as a memo].

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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