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Re: Dash-escaping clarification

2003-03-10 05:36:31

On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:51:43 +0100, Dominikus Scherkl said:

- at least in german this is common - and how can a parser find
out if the "- " in the above line is intentional? or that in the next?

It does not need to.  There are 2 ways to convert dash escaped text:

 1. Look for a line starting with a dash and check whether the next
    character is a space.  If it is not a space bail out with an
    error: "not an OpenPGP conform message"

 2. Look for a line starting with a dash and a space (or end-of-line)
    and remove it; copy verbatim in all other cases.

Of course, this should only be done while in a -----BEGIN/END section.

The second approach is the simplest and what most applications do.

- From all solutions I prefer not to allow escaping other then
those starting with "-" or "From" - it simply works, and I think

This requires extra logic and a 6 byte look-ahead (" From ") and you
gain nothing by it.  With the straighforward approach you can simple
sed the dash escaped text.




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