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Re: Adding in BZ2 compression?

2003-07-04 02:55:23

On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 16:47:52 -0700, Jon Callas said:

I have a request for an algorithm number for bz2 compression. The
implementer in question has promised on a stack of holy books only to use it
along with compression prefs. Anyone object strongly?

I don't see a real advantage.  bz2 does only make sense for large
files and thus it won't hurt to first but the bz2 compressed data into
an appropriate MIME container and then apply OpenPGP.

If it is a problem that the signature can only be applied on the
compressed data, one should use the PGP/MIME approach and don't
combine signature and encryption in one OpenPGP message.

Decompressing bz2 requires huge amounts of memory and thus it can't be
implemented for small devices.  If we assume that people are going to
use their keys also on PDAs, we will run into problems with the



Werner Koch                                      <wk(_at_)gnupg(_dot_)org>
The GnuPG Experts                      
Free Software Foundation Europe