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Re: Adding in BZ2 compression?

2003-07-23 14:02:00

On 7/22/03 10:54 AM, "Derek Atkins" <derek(_at_)ihtfp(_dot_)com> wrote:

Ok.  I have no real objections to adding the algo -- I'm just worried
about the interop issues.

There are no interop issues because it's a MAY feature that presently no one
implements. :-) Implementations are already supposed to handle both ZIP and
zlib prefs, so it shouldn't be an issue.

(Incidentally, here at PGP, we presently implement only ZIP, but decided to
add in both zlib and bz2 for a future major relase.)

Also, we still need to show multiple implementations to progress to
DRAFT standard, so if we're adding new features it might take longer
to do so.  Have we had any OpenPGP Bakeoffs?

I think so, but I wasn't on top of this for a while. I'm willing to help
push this now.
