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Re: IDEA in v3-v4 conflict (was Re: OpenPGP at IETF-59 Draft Minutes #1)

2004-03-11 13:58:31

<vedaal(_at_)hush(_dot_)com> writes:


but what about the difference in subkey production?

What about them?

will PGP generate/allow addition of subkeys that can sign as well as

Of course.

it might be necessary if the requirement is for the subkey to sign the
master, and the master to sign the subkey

The requirement for a back-signature is only for signature keys.
Encrypt-only subkeys don't need it.

<chair hat>

Version -10 of the document should be out soon.  In the meantime I'll
send out the list of issues (both open and closed) soon.  My hope is
that we can get all the issues closed and then move to last call.  My
intention is to initiate a WGLC when the list of open issues is

Note to people opening issues:  Please supply text!  If you do not
supply text when bringing up an issue with the document then we have
nothing specific to discuss, which makes it harder to focus the
discussions on the endgame: a finished document.  So, when you
find an issue please give the document section(s), the existing
text, and your suggested changes to the text.

Thank you!

</chair hat>


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant