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Re: Status of RFC2440

2004-10-20 04:47:52

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 11:38:04 +0100, Ian Grigg said:

Oh, indeed.  BTW, do you have any statistics on that?

Sorry no.  I have not seen that companies publically announce that
they now use encryption for their communication; probably because
everyone would expects that communication is held confidential.

a third is reputation.  Both of these are relatively
well served by the OpenPGP's web of trust, but they
are being ignored.  Meanwhile, a lot of companies

There are no widely used applications to support OpenPGP for that.  I
know one TLS implementaion capable of using OpenPGP keys but the usual
web clients don't support it. 

It would be easy to use this with ssh and I expect to see it in the
near future.

normally start with "why o why is there no button to
generate a self-signed x.509 key and start using it?"

Even worse: My jabber client complains about self-signed certificates
instead of displaying its fingerprint once for verification.

But, to underscore my earlier point, mail is not where
it's at.  Traffic is moving to chat, and there is a
chance to re-engineer the comms architecture, as chat

Although I don't like chat things very much, you are probably right.



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