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Re: Face to face meeting in Cozumel?

2008-01-21 06:51:00
Thank you for the update, Rachel!

On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 01:00:22PM +0000, Rachel Willmer wrote:

Current plan for OpenPGP:SDK is to have a release out in the summer.
It won't be complete (RSA only for one thing) but it will do what it
does well, with a good test suite and documentation. That's the plan,

Doesn't the underlying crypto library (openssl, right?) provide you with all
the asymmetric algorithms? Why restrict the release to RSA?

Currently working and interoperating with GPG:
- encryption
- decryption
- signature verification
- cleartext signature generation and verification


In progress:
- signature generation

Does this include certification?

To Do:
- Keyring management

But that's in the high-level API, isn't it?

- Command line app

Is it going to be like pgp/gpg or more ssleay/openssl-eque?



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