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Re: Face to face meeting in Cozumel?

2008-01-21 06:24:31

- C library development. Currently, we have an orphaned(?) OpenCDK and an
  incomplete OpenPGP:SDK. A native C library would open the door for
  efficient, usable libraries for other languages (Perl, Python, Ruby,
  PHP, etc.), so I feel that this is very important. I am counting on Ben
  Laurie's participation for this one.

Current plan for OpenPGP:SDK is to have a release out in the summer.
It won't be complete (RSA only for one thing) but it will do what it
does well, with a good test suite and documentation. That's the plan,

Currently working and interoperating with GPG:
- encryption
- decryption
- signature verification
- cleartext signature generation and verification

In progress:
- signature generation

To Do:
- Keyring management
- Command line app


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