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Re: Face to face meeting in Cozumel?

2008-01-17 14:21:17
On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 05:33:43PM +0100, Simon Josefsson wrote:
nagydani(_at_)epointsystem(_dot_)org (Daniel A. Nagy) writes:

- C library development. Currently, we have an orphaned(?) OpenCDK and an

I'm not going to be in Cozumel.  In response to the '(?)', OpenCDK has
recently been updated (the 0.6.x series) after a long period of minimal
maintainance.  We are moving towards a LGPL version of libopencdk, which
was included in the core GnuTLS library git repository just a few days

Good to know! Thank you for the update. Do you have a homepage? How about
API documentation?

I have been using OpenCDK for several projects at ePoint System, but seeing
it abandoned, I considered switching to OpenPGP:SDK, which, unfortunately,
is not up to the task yet.

I strongly believe that having a widely used C library for common OpenPGP
functionality would be great for the wider acceptance and use of the standard.
It is very good to hear that OpenCDK is supported again!



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